Lunar Section        


January 31, 2020

February 2020 The Lunar Observer

The February 2020 issue of The Lunar Observer, newsletter of the ALPO Lunar Topographical Studies & Selected Areas Program, and the Lunar Geological Change program is available by clicking here. Back issues are also available at In the February 2020 issue of The Lunar Observer, before telling what is in this issue, look at who is in this issue. Contributions were received from 22 observers in 7 countries! I am thrilled that we are reaching that many lunar observers. In this issue you will find articles about the craters Galle and Clausius by Robert Hayes Jr., the crater Nöggerath by Alberto Anunziato, lunar domes in the Maraldi D region by Raffaello Lena, Maximilian Teodorescu and Jim Phillips, a discussion of whether Bliss, (formally Plato A) is a banded crater by Alberto Anunziato and Francisco A. Cardinalli, an in depth look at a light cone in the crater Hesiodus and discussions of lunar landscapes by Rik Hill, Howard Eskildsen and David Teske. The pages are graced by many stunning lunar drawings and images, all taken by amateur astronomers. Tony Cook provide another thorough look at lunar geologic change. Enjoy and have fun observing our nearest neighbor in space.

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David Teske
Acting Coordinator, Lunar Topographic Studies Program
Assn of Lunar & Planetary Observers

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