Lawrence Garrett

In order to increase the number of observations of minor planets having suspected magnitude errors, a rapid announcement program called the Magnitude Alert Project (MAP) was founded by this author in 1996. Now entering its ninth year of publication, this project's mission is to discover suspected magnitude errors, alert photometric observers of possible research subjects , and collect sufficient quantity and quality of magnitude estimate as to publish suggested revised H values in the Minor Planet Bulletin. This program is open to all observers, from visual to the most exacting photometric observatories. For advanced observers or as research programs for college observatories, observation of magnitudes may be better suited for those who cannot spend the long hours needed to produce lightcurves of minor planets. The standards required to join MAP are not firmly set, but rather wish to invite those interested to bring what they may to the project. Since we range from visual to precise estimates in our members, a place in our research team is usually open to all. Indeed, from the first sighting of the suspected magnitude errors to our final published values, team work at all levels is much needed. With readers now in nearly a dozen countries, MAP has moved from a small e-mail program between a handful of visual observers to over 50 members! Our largest group comes for the AUDE (the users of electronic detectors, in English). This group of CDD users is mainly based in Europe, under the direction of professional astronomer Alain Klotz, with Christian Jasinsky as webmaster. Serving as AUDE MAP MANAGER is Gerard Faure, who complies the MAP database posted at this webpage and also at the AUDE website at http://aude.geoman.net/index.html . Gerard is also a members of the A.L.P.O. Minor Planet Section, and contributes many papers which can be found in the current MAP DATABASE ZIPFILE posted at this page. For readers who cannot read the French of the AUDE site, please go to http://babelfish.altavista.com/translate.dyn , for a translation service that can display the pages in several languages, the service is not perfect, but should make reading the work of the AUDE enjoyable. Observers wishing to join MAP are requested to contact me at lsgasterois@msn.com. You will be placed on our mailing list and receive MAP Alerts, listing research targets, plus news and letters from readers. Lawrence Garrett Assistant Coordinator ALPO Minor Planet Section 206 River Road Fairfax, Vt 05454 lgasteroid@earthlink.net

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