Solar Section        


February 12, 2017

A short Summary of Carrington Rotation 2186

Carrington Rotation 2186 covered the time period from 2017-01-10 0913 UT – 2017-02-06 1724 UT and is our first rotational gallery for 2017.
So far 331 reports and images were submitted for our archive, and can be viewed in ALPO’s Solar Archive for CR2185:

The rotation did start with 3 spotless days. During the rotation we could observe 9 regions of which three did exist for about two days or less. In fact one of them, AR2630 appeared and disappeared almost immediately. The largest region, AR2629, reached its maximum area of 220 millionths on January 26, the same day the Total Active Region Area for the Sun reached its maximum of 410 millionths. The Wolf number reached its maximum of 55 a day earlier on January 25.
Counting the three spotless days at the beginning of the rotation, the total spotless days since Solar maximum increased to 45.

For this Rotation we would like to feature again a few drawings submitted by three of our observers, Monty Leventhal, Joe Gianninoto, and Tony Broxton. Thanks to them as well as all other contributors for another great rotation. Please take a look at their images by clicking on the above link leading to our archive.
Your Solar Section Team,

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