Solar Section        


A.L.P.O. Solar Publications

A.L.P.O. provides observers with a number of manuals to guide them in their Solar observations. These manuals cover both whitelight as well as monochromatic observing. They describe the features one can observe in each mode or wavelength and how to look for them. In addition a Guide is provided to lead the observer in creating relevant records of their observations so they may be of use by others in their research of the Sun. Please click the relevant book cover to link to the manual, or right click the cover to download it for off line access.

Guidelines for the Observation of Monochromatic Solar Phenomena

This manual will give you details and tips on how to observe or image the Sun using specific narrow band filters such as Hydrogen Alpha or Calcium-K Filters. This form of observation, or imaging, describes to the observer the intimate details of structures on the Sun caused by the activity in the Chromosphere and Corona of the Sun and will give guidance on how to document these. The manual will guide you in specific detail through the morphology of these structures and describes what to look for to get the most out of your observations.

Guidelines for the Observation of White Light Solar Phenomena

This manual will give you details and tips on how to observe or image the Sun using dense light blocking filters and specific colored filters. The manual will guide you through the different structures you can see and observe and study in the white light spectrum. This form of observation or imaging allows the observer to follow intimate details of the activity in the on the Photosphere of the Sun and will give guidance on what to look for and how to document them. Most dominant in this spectrum of light are Sun sports and their regions, as well as white light flares.

Guidelines for Reporting Solar Phenomena

While the two previous manuals will give guidance on the techniques one can use to observe the specific Solar activities, this manual focuses on how these activities can be documented so they convey as close as possible the activity as it happened. It includes what forms can be used and how to complete them to preserve your record of observation.

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